Medghyne Calonge Explains Leadership, Human Resources, and Zumba Have in Common.

Medghyne Calonge
2 min readMay 3, 2021


Medghyne Calonge is using Zumba as more than a form of exercise but also as a tool to continue helping others to be better both personally and professionally.

Zumba instructor and HR Legal business professional Medghyne Calonge has learned that success in life and work begins with holistic health and good fitness. So now, as she has done for her entire life, she is helping others with the knowledge she has gained, both in the world of business and in health and fitness.

Like most accomplishments worth noting, it takes time to arrive, and for Medghyne Calonge, that time has come. Several years ago, much of the work and effort Medghyne Calonge has dedicated to herself came to fruition as she earned her MBA. And it didn’t take long for her to start earning high praises either, as one CEO said, Medghyne Calonge is “…a knowledgeable professional in the world of recruiting.”

From HR roles to business law, and in areas such as management leadership, Medghyne Calonge MBA, pushes herself and others to be better. So what is the secret to her success, how has she accomplished so much so fast? How did she find the time, the energy, the balance, and the stamina to work, complete an MBA, and lead others?

The answer to that question takes the story full circle to where it began for Medghyne Calonge, who was always an active youth, but her introduction to fitness and holistic health is where it started. That introduction eventually led Medghyne Calonge to the world of Zumba, where now she doesn’t only continue to train but also works as a certified instructor.

What does leadership, human resources, business law, and Zumba have in common? For Medghyne Calonge, the answer is everything, including success. Success breeds success and succeeding and making progress in one’s health and wellness also leads to success in other avenues of life, and Medghyne Calonge is showing others the way.

Today, you might find Medghyne Calonge somewhere in South Florida instructing others and teaching the benefits of fitness and holistic health through Zumba classes. Somewhere, in those southernmost parts of the Sunshine State, you will likely find Medghyne Calonge helping to lead a new business venture from HR management to legal document administration, and business consulting, but you will always find her pushing herself and others to be their best.



Medghyne Calonge

Medghyne Calonge is a Human Resources Manager, Family Mediator & Arbitrator. She attended the University of South Florida and received her Bachelor’s Degree.